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Every building process has a starting point, but that point might be different from one project to the next. Some people make plans for a building and contract a team to handle the building. That’s the most common method and has been for many years. However, in a world that demands customization, this isn’t the only option. That’s where turnkey and design-build construction come in.

Knowing the basic details about construction will help you take steps toward starting a successful project. After all, you want the building done within a specific timeframe and budget. However, most people don’t know the nuances of construction and may not be sure whether turnkey or design-build is the best choice.

In this blog, we’re going to share the differences between these two solutions. We’ll share why your choice matters when you want a specific building constructed. Once you understand the two construction options, you can move forward and feel confident about the solution you chose.

What Is Design-Build?

You might be able to guess what design-build is based on the name. Essentially, it means one team is going to both design and build your facility. As the one in charge, you tell the team what you want, when it should be done, and how you’d like it to be completed. If you want full control over your next building project, a design-build contractor is what you need.

However, you also have to be aware of other factors associated with design-build. These projects often take longer and you’ll need to be careful not to go over your budget. You have far more flexibility when you can set deadlines and make changes and some people overshoot their original expectations.

Advantages of Design-Build

  • You can be a part of every decision related to the project from design to construction.
  • Teams work together under a single leadership point to ensure the best design and build options.
  • Fewer changes and more efficiency are possible with budget and time management.
  • The budget is precise and you can creatively contribute to the project.
  • All permitting and code needs are handled by the contractor.
  • Projects tend to be done on time and within your specific budget.

What Is Turnkey?

Turnkey construction can also provide you with some level of control over what and how you want things to be done. However, the two construction methods are not identical. In this case, the construction company provides project management solutions, such as choosing the budget allocation and schedule. This can be useful if your project hits a wall. Some of these companies cover the overage.

However, the contractor is in control of everything from the planning to the construction and executive. Different teams may be used to ensure things are done right and handled on time. You can’t make changes after the project is started and you have less say on decisions like what materials to use.

Advantages of Turnkey

  • Turnkey can save money and time for the owner of the building.
  • Owners experience less stress and have fewer decisions to worry about during the process.
  • Added costs are handled by the contractor rather than the owner.

Differences Between Turnkey and Design-Build Construction

We’ve talked some about the similarities between turnkey and design-build but we want to focus a bit more on what makes them different from one another. It’s important to be aware of each of these factors so you can make the right choice when setting up your next construction project.

  • Control – With design-build, the owner has more control over the project. The opposite is true for turnkey as the builder has most of the control throughout the construction process.
  • Cost – Turnkey projects tend to be more expensive as the builder takes on extra responsibility and risk. With design-build, you have control over the budget and can work with the team to find cost-efficient solutions.
  • Responsibility – With turnkey construction, the builder has most of the responsibility for the project, including construction and design. The owner has more responsibility and choices in design-build.
  • Timeline – Design-build projects often take longer to complete. There are more things to coordinate whereas turnkey construction has one person in charge who makes use of time efficiently.

Should You Choose Turnkey or Design-Build Construction?

Now that you have a better idea of what turnkey and design-build solutions are all about, you have to think about which is better for your needs. A lot of this comes down to the amount of control that you need over the project.

One person might want to be in charge of everything from budget to schedules and contractors. A design-build team is going to be their best option.

On the other hand, another person might want to make a few decisions and then leave the rest to someone else. In that situation, turnkey is likely the best option.

Since everyone is different and desires a unique set of services, there is no way to say turnkey is better than design-build or vice versa. It comes down to your own preferences. What you need to do is consider how much involvement you’d like to have before you move forward.

The main thing that factors into choosing between turnkey and design-build is how involved you would like to be in the building process. However, once you do make the choice and move forward, be sure your work with a reputable contractor for your construction project.

Final Thoughts

Do you want to work with a team that can take your dream building and make it a reality? MCB Management is here to take part of the load and ensure you get what you’re hoping for. Our family-owned and operated business puts our clients first and provides you with high-quality products and services. We do it all while providing value and having competitive prices.

Currently, MBC Management has completed over 1,000 projects of all sizes. Our team is highly experienced in all aspects of the design-build process, including general contracting, engineering, and construction management. We work with new constructions as well as industrial and institutional projects. If you’re ready to learn more, reach out to us at 936-825-1603.


Author admin

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